Heptapod 0.12.0 released, featuring GitLab 12
We're very pleased to announce that Heptapod 0.12.0 has been released. DO NOT MIGRATE DIRECTLY from previous versions. Please read how to migrate from our previous announcement.
This version will be the basis for the commercial service by Octobus and Clever Cloud, entering public beta in a short while.
The main goal of this development cycle was to catch up to GitLab as much as possible in one jump, and that's what we did, going from GitLab 10.5.8 to 12.2.12, who's been released less than 4 months ago.
Heptapod 0.12.0 is installable as a Docker image. and from source
Don't hesitate to give us feedback on our communication channels, we're eager to hear it.
What else is new in 0.12.0?
Jumping from GitLab CE 10.5.8 to 12.2.12 carries itself an impressive list of features, but that's not the only achievement we've had in Heptapod 0.12.0.
For instance, a rewrite of our internals has led to major push performance improvements, especially for larger repositories.
The maturation phase for this release has been longer than with the previous ones. For this reason, the full changelog, has a separate section to highlight the changes from 0.8.4 directly.
Note also that the changelog is now located with the main sources instead of with the Docker image definition.
Continuous integration
The previously available versions of Heptapod Runner, our dedicated fork of GitLab Runner, is expected not to work with Heptapod 0.12.0. The main reason for that is that its base GitLab Runner version is not compatible with GitLab 12.2.
Therefore, Heptapod Runner has seen a major revamp, too, with version 0.2.0rc2 being the required minimum to work with Heptapod 0.12.0.
We took the opportunity to make it work for regular GitLab installations as well, meaning that users happening to maintain a GitLab instance alongside their Heptapod shouldn't have to manage two separate swarms of runners, provided that all versions are compatible. This is quite fresh and we'd be happy to have more user feedback about such mixed use cases, so don't hesitate to tell us if that works for you and how we could improve it.
Heptapod Runner is versioned and released separately from other components. We expect the final 0.2.0 to be released next week.